Wellll...a lot of you probably read my love dove Stacy's blog today about me. She is an awesome blogger and I'm totally impressed with her skills :) She challenged us to do a love/hate of our selves so I just kinda started thinking about it. What do i love about my life? What do I hate? How are these things related, if at all? Here we go.....

-I love my Rylee Emily Watson. She is THE most precious, amazing, wonderful, silly, and loving little girl I have ever met. ( I know, I know...I'm a little partial :]) She literally makes the world go round for me. I'm loving the stage we are in (16 months), so much learning and growing happening right now. She literally makes my heart swell, just at the thought of her. I can't imagine life without her, I can hardly remember life before her. She is amazing :)
-I love my singing voice. I'm no professional, let me be the first to tell you. But, man do I love to sing! Especially to the Lord. I recently joined the praise and worship team at my church, and it feels like home sweet home. For me, it is something to be proud of, because there are a lot of things about me...that I'm not so sure about...
-I love my relationship with the Lord. It has taken on new meaning for me in the past year. God has always been a huge part of my life, ever since I was born. My parents are amazing Christians, and raised me in a loving, Christian home. I think I took for granted how important God really was. I made some mistakes...yes I had sex before I got married (this was a HUGE deal to me)...and kinda put other things before God for awhile. He was always there in the background, and I really missed Him a lot. After Rylee was born, I really wanted to start going to church again....I neeeeeeded it. When I moved back to CA, I started going to church, and Chance refused to go with me. This was heartbreaking for me, but I stayed strong and went alone, or with Casey. It was great for me. Now since moving home and going through all this crap, my relationship with Him has totally blossomed. I love my church (Faith Country) if you want to come with me, let me know :). I love that I found Him again.
-I love my family and friends. More than I can ever tell you. My family is amazing, and the bond we have is crazy special. I think us being, non-blood related makes us stronger. We love each other, because without each other we would be nothing. Its pretty awesome. We might gripe about one another, but we would stick up for one another in a heart beat. My friends are freakin awesome. Literally, I do not know how people get along in life without friends. I would probably die, lol. I miss my military friends like crazy...you will never know what I mean unless you were a military wife. We shared so many crazy hard times together, and so many fantastically fun times. My TX friends have given me fresh air in my lungs, and keep me going everyday. I love you ALL!!!!
-I love who I am. Even though I'm not totally happy with certain things about myself, I love being me, and being who I am. I love my laugh, I love my goofiness, and I love my love for life. I'm so happy with who I am, I know where I stand, who I believe in, and who I love.

Hate :/
-I hate being single. After eight freaking years of being with someone...being single is awful. I'm lonely a lot. I miss having a partner. I miss always having someone to talk to. I miss having sex...yep I sure did just say that, because its true. I miss being a family. Booo...enough of that one.
-I hate being fat. I hate that eating is such a struggle. I want to punch fatness in its ugly face. I know I'll never be perfect, but hopefully one day soon, I can be happy with my weight. Hopefully....
-I hate the devil. He has screwed up my life, but God has been there to pick up the pieces. I hate the control that the devil has placed on certain people in my life. Devil you can suck it...
-I hate being dependent on my parents. I don't really hate this...its just a transition period, and I'm very grateful for them. Its just hard after being on your own for so long, to come back and be so dependent on them. Luckily, they are more than happy to help, and so loving about it. I'm a very blessed woman.

Ok, so how do these compare? I think that obviously my love for God, and hate for the devil go hand in hand. I wish I was skinny so I could love ALL of me haha. Being single has led me to being dependent on my family, but I know both of those things will NOT last forever. I will be happily in love again, and I will not live with my parents forever :)
Thanks for reading this if you did...this was an I can not sleep blog (which is totally weird for me). Hopefully I can get over this and have sweet dreams the rest of the night :)
-I love my Rylee Emily Watson. She is THE most precious, amazing, wonderful, silly, and loving little girl I have ever met. ( I know, I know...I'm a little partial :]) She literally makes the world go round for me. I'm loving the stage we are in (16 months), so much learning and growing happening right now. She literally makes my heart swell, just at the thought of her. I can't imagine life without her, I can hardly remember life before her. She is amazing :)
-I love my singing voice. I'm no professional, let me be the first to tell you. But, man do I love to sing! Especially to the Lord. I recently joined the praise and worship team at my church, and it feels like home sweet home. For me, it is something to be proud of, because there are a lot of things about me...that I'm not so sure about...
-I love my relationship with the Lord. It has taken on new meaning for me in the past year. God has always been a huge part of my life, ever since I was born. My parents are amazing Christians, and raised me in a loving, Christian home. I think I took for granted how important God really was. I made some mistakes...yes I had sex before I got married (this was a HUGE deal to me)...and kinda put other things before God for awhile. He was always there in the background, and I really missed Him a lot. After Rylee was born, I really wanted to start going to church again....I neeeeeeded it. When I moved back to CA, I started going to church, and Chance refused to go with me. This was heartbreaking for me, but I stayed strong and went alone, or with Casey. It was great for me. Now since moving home and going through all this crap, my relationship with Him has totally blossomed. I love my church (Faith Country) if you want to come with me, let me know :). I love that I found Him again.
-I love my family and friends. More than I can ever tell you. My family is amazing, and the bond we have is crazy special. I think us being, non-blood related makes us stronger. We love each other, because without each other we would be nothing. Its pretty awesome. We might gripe about one another, but we would stick up for one another in a heart beat. My friends are freakin awesome. Literally, I do not know how people get along in life without friends. I would probably die, lol. I miss my military friends like crazy...you will never know what I mean unless you were a military wife. We shared so many crazy hard times together, and so many fantastically fun times. My TX friends have given me fresh air in my lungs, and keep me going everyday. I love you ALL!!!!
-I love who I am. Even though I'm not totally happy with certain things about myself, I love being me, and being who I am. I love my laugh, I love my goofiness, and I love my love for life. I'm so happy with who I am, I know where I stand, who I believe in, and who I love.
Hate :/
-I hate being single. After eight freaking years of being with someone...being single is awful. I'm lonely a lot. I miss having a partner. I miss always having someone to talk to. I miss having sex...yep I sure did just say that, because its true. I miss being a family. Booo...enough of that one.
-I hate being fat. I hate that eating is such a struggle. I want to punch fatness in its ugly face. I know I'll never be perfect, but hopefully one day soon, I can be happy with my weight. Hopefully....
-I hate the devil. He has screwed up my life, but God has been there to pick up the pieces. I hate the control that the devil has placed on certain people in my life. Devil you can suck it...
-I hate being dependent on my parents. I don't really hate this...its just a transition period, and I'm very grateful for them. Its just hard after being on your own for so long, to come back and be so dependent on them. Luckily, they are more than happy to help, and so loving about it. I'm a very blessed woman.
Ok, so how do these compare? I think that obviously my love for God, and hate for the devil go hand in hand. I wish I was skinny so I could love ALL of me haha. Being single has led me to being dependent on my family, but I know both of those things will NOT last forever. I will be happily in love again, and I will not live with my parents forever :)
Thanks for reading this if you did...this was an I can not sleep blog (which is totally weird for me). Hopefully I can get over this and have sweet dreams the rest of the night :)