Sooo I've been a little lazy this past month..I haven't really had much to talk about honestly. Life has just been kinda ticking away, and the time goes SO fast!
This past month I made a huge decision. I decided, after talking it over with my parents, to stop working full time and go back to school to finish my degree. Last year, I finished my associates degree when I was pregnant with Rylee and I will receive my diploma in May. I decided not to walk the stage at Midland College, because I want to save the big graduation for my bachelor's degree. I'm REALLY excited about going back to school. It has taken me forever, but mostly because of all the moving around I have been doing the past five years. I'm excited to improve myself and have some direction in my life!
Most of you know that I really appreciate my job that I have now, but it is SO boring! I have learned a lot, but there is no room for me to move up here and I can't work a $12.00/hr job forever. I love living with my parents, but the only way I will ever be able to move out and be on my own is to marry "Prince Charming" or to get my degree and have a career that can support me and Rylee. I do not want to rent again, so the goal is to buy a house! One day....haha.
Rylee has been sick this past week. I was SO worried that it was going to be ear infections, but praise the Lord, it was a throat infection (horrible, but better than ear infections!!) She started feeling bad on Friday afternoon and was running a little fever. We had a garage sale of Saturday morning so I had no time deal with a sick baby. We were up late getting everything ready, and posting signs, and lucking my mom helped with Rylee.
Saturday morning she woke up running fever again. She seemed OK off and on during the day and then started running a pretty high fever (101.1). On Sunday she was miserable, really fussy and her fever got up to 103.1. I knew then that I would have to take her to the doctor on Monday. We woke up on Monday and she was SO hot! It went away for a little while after the tylenol, but she wasn't eating much at all, just drinking milk. I couldn't get into the doctor until 2:00, and when we got there she was running a 102.4 fever. They did a strep test, and thank goodness she didn't have that. He checked her ears and said they were good, and looked at her throat and said it was SO red. He suggested we give her motrin instead of tylenol because it really helps with the pain. Once we started the motrin she seemed better. On Tuesday morning, she was still running fever so that meant another day at home. Her fever broke that morning and she seemed better, but man was she one cranky girl! She refused to nap and fought sleep all day, even when it was 9:30 PM and she was so tired. I finally got her to sleep, but it was a rest-less night. Needless to say, she went to Lauren's this morning and slept until NOON! I'm sure she will be feeling much better by the time I get to her later this evening!
Lauren and Bryan's reception is coming up next week, and I finally found a dress for it. Callie's wedding is in less than 6 weeks!! AHHHHH!! I can't believe how fast time has flown! I remember the moment she called me to tell me she was engaged! I'm so happy for both of them, and I really hope both of their days turn out perfectly. I know they are both going to be tons of fun! I really need a date to both of them, since there is dancing involved, but I don't have anybody to ask :( sad day!!!! LOL...
I'm excited for the next step in life of going back to school and it absolutely proof that LIFE GOES ON!!!!
<3 Adell